About Us

The Intenders of the Highest Good is a worldwide grassroots phenomenon that was started over 25 years ago on the Big Island of Hawaii by four friends who were simply looking to help one another. During this time we were actively creating templates for making our lives better. The Intenders Circle is a successful, tried-and-true model for bringing people together in an awakened community; The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World is a powerful guideline for daily living; The Intention Process is a blueprint of becoming a Mighty Manifestor; and The Vision Alignment Project, with over 3 million Alignments to date, is a way for people to make a difference in our world.

To help you get proficient at using these one-of-a-kind templates we have three unique websites. This one, www.intenders.org, is dedicated to bringing our free Self Empowerment Course that we call The Intenders Bridge out to the world.

We highly recommend that you visit our main Intenders website, Intenders.com, where you will find out all about The Intenders, how to empower yourself, and how to create your own community. Our Bookshop is also located there on our main Intenders site. Our third website, The Vision Alignment Project is our highly popular twice-weekly free email program where you can align with Visions for our ideal world and know that you are adding to the creation of these beautiful Visions. We recommend that you visit and enjoy all of our websites!

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